
C4DI Members Create Automated Screening Solution for Industry-Leading Company

C4DI members SteamDesk, Arc and Steve Bowman have collaborated on an exciting application that enables an industry-leading company to automate and streamline large parts of their work.

The app, which is currently a prototype, has been specially designed for Agenda Screening Services, who provide thorough background checks on potential employees for organisations across the world.

The exciting project is a prime example of C4DI members successfully working together to develop and innovate.

“Agenda actually approached C4DI, who then asked the community to be involved. We thought it would be a really interesting job to work on, so put together a proposal, along with Arc and Steve Bowman,” explains Ross Hamilton, Managing Director of SteamDesk.

“We decided that we’d split up the project and each work on parts of it. I think this worked really well. Although one company could have taken on the whole project, it was great to be able to focus on our strengths and come together to create something new.”

SteamDesk is a high-end web development company who frequently works with large organisations across the globe to develop complex and bespoke systems. Based in Lincolnshire, the SteamDesk team regularly pop into C4DI to network and collaborate with other individuals and groups within the community.

“What the Agenda app does is automates a huge proportion of the screening process. For example, it scans through social media, government sanction lists, financial systems and much more to see if the person is suitable for the job,” Ross continues.

By freeing up the time that staff would usually spend sifting through the internet, the app empowers the experts to focus on making a final, human judgement on the applicants, from the range of sources they are presented with through the automation process.

“We now have a really smart-looking prototype that provides a number of features for Agenda, with scope to add even more if necessary. We are now hoping for further funding to transform the prototype into a product.”

To find out more about SteamDesk and some of their other projects, visit their website: http://www.steamdesk.com