
Say Hello to... I-con International

This week, we welcome one of the newest members of the C4Di family, I-con International. Specialists in integrating digital packaging with strategic solutions, the I-con team explain how packaging has become one of the key ways in which brands can communicate with their customers.

They’re also very keen to collaborate with software developers, marketing buffs and creative designers. Sound like you?


Nice to meet you guys! Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do?

Lauren Whittaker, Co-Founder and Consultant: I-con International is a business based on the integration of digital and packaging using strategic solutions.

Packaging is no longer used just to protect the product and communicate a one-way message to consumers, it now enables brands to actively communicate with their customers. What our business provides is an integrated solution that connects our strategic, expert partners to deliver projects that combine the force of digital, packaging and strategy.

We facilitate the successful development and delivery of these projects using our Icon W2PP system, which is particularly powerful when creating packaging. This is a system designed and built especially to enhance the packaging process. Linking digital marketing and systems with packaging allows our clients to market the perfect product to their customers.

We also offer consultancy services and work with a wide range of businesses, including big and small brands, creative agencies, software companies and print technology firms.

Using our skills and expertise in digital development, packaging and strategic solutions, we can build two-way communication strategies between brand and buyer.


When did you first set up? And, have you always been passionate about packaging?

Lauren: We launched fairly recently. But, we’ve been part of the packaging industry for many years and have seen it evolve. What we've witnessed is that there's an increasing focus on how digital can streamline the packaging process, from creation to print, as well as how it can support the development of amazing brand campaigns.


What motivated you to join the C4Di community?

Due to our digital connections, we decided to make the C4Di our home. We really want to collaborate with members and grow our expert network, because, at the end of the day, this is absolutely key to our success. I-con connects talent from all areas of the packaging and digital industry, such as those who work in marketing, design, packaging technology, software development, as well as conventional and digital print. The C4Di felt like the right space to achieve this.


What does the 2018 and beyond hold for you?

As consultants, we work with a wide variety of businesses, which means that we are involved with a lot of different projects. A lot of exciting, but confidential, projects are coming up - so watch this space.


You can find out more about I-con International on their website http://www.weareicon.co.uk