
Calie Pistorius | DeltaHedron

DeltaHedron is a business consulting company that specialises in management of technological innovation.

The startup might be in its early days but the team has a wealth of experience in identifying, assessing and managing the impact of strategic business opportunities, as well as recognising the risk presented by emerging technologies and change in the industry.

They have developed a clever system that keeps track of new technologies by the second. As soon as anything is published, DeltaHedron can alert their clients in real time.

In an increasingly digitally-focused world, DeltaHedron’s capabilities are already changing the way businesses respond to technological change. Even brands that aren’t specifically tech-centred can benefit hugely from staying ahead of their game and identifying new opportunities.

Chief Executive Dr Calie Pistorius possesses a vast experience in management of technology, as well as the dynamics of technological change. Previously the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hull, he is thrilled to have made the move to the C4DI and return to an industry that he is truly passionate about.